Thursday, January 12, 2012


So on Facebook yesterday I came across someone who had shared this 25 Rules for Moms with Sons.  love it! Some things made me laugh, some things made me say YAHHHH!!! Lets raise boys who are not afraid to share feelings, that know that they have a support, who are loved unconditionally. That learn to love a woman not just for what she looks like but who she is as a person... I can only hope that as my boys get older that they will be proud of their decisions, and learn from their bad ones. And that I will have the strength to let them make their own decisions.

I struggle daily, when they want their independence, to do it BY MYSELF MOMMY. I can't believe how they are growing up, don't want them to grow up and yet am sooo darn excited for all of the adventures to come.

Today we dropped Trace off at preschool and headed to Indigo to play with Thomas... go figure Canaan had such a huge tantrum we had to leave. Anyone know how to combat the "mine" stage. I feel bad they have to share everything, and then when we go somewhere and they have to share with yet another person they FREAK OUT. So packed them up and out we went. Picked Trace up and I put ALL kids down for a nap ahhh a rest for me. But before the nap the kids decided to head into the play room, dump 2 bins and empty the kitchen... yea me...

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